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How it works

Here's what you can expect after you get in touch and if you decide we are the right team for you. 

Who are we

We start with a coffee

Or tea if thats your thing. Either way it's a chat!   


Whether its over a video call, at a coffee shop or you want us to come visit you; it's a chance to see if we are the right fit to tell your story.


If everyone's happy - it's game on and we move on to pre-production.


First, we lay the groundwork for your project.


We pick a style, look at visuals, text and sound, then outline the best approach.


We work with you to 

make sure we have everything lined up with your vision.




Here, we bring your project to life


Whether it’s for a video, a graphic design piece, or any other creative project this is where your story starts to take shape


Using a mix of tools and talents, we focus on building your project piece by piece.




Finally, we add the finishing touches.


We edit visuals, fine-tune text, and integrate all elements to ensure they harmonize.


We adjust the look and feel to make sure the project conveys your message effectively and is ready to impress.

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